Saturday, May 14, 2005
This is awesome ! Type in a word or subject and get an entire photo montage from Google photo archives ! You just have to try it out at least once !
Montage-a-google is a simple web-based app that uses Google's image search to generate a large gridded montage of images based on keywords (search terms) entered by the user. Not only an interesting way of browsing the net, it can also be used to create desktop pictures or even posters.
This app requires version 7 of the Flash player or higher to run, you can get the latest version here.
If you want to print or save your montage you can take a screen grab of it ('Prt Sc' key on PC) and paste it into you favourite photo or paint application to print or save it from there.
Like this? Try Guess-the-google,the image guessing game based on the same platform.
The Random Dr. Phil Quote Generator:
During these times of trouble and turmoil, nothing sedates a soul or stifles common sense quite like words of wisdom from Dr. Phil. In order to preserve his legacy and allow 24-hour a day access to the wit and wisdom of the Sage of our generation, here is The Random Dr. Phil Quote Generator. Click the button as often as you need to satisfy the "inner wuss" in you.
Virtual Bubblewrap !
More therapeutic than
Dr. Phil!
(Includes a "boss button" so you won't get caught popping
bubblewrap on the company's nickel ....).
The Job Title Generator:
Customized Random Insult Generator:
Tell me a little about yourself or the person you want to insult:
Level of Insult |
Gender: |
Age: |
Click the button several times until
you come up with a satisfying insult.
Intelligence |
Weight |
Looks |