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Monday, January 31, 2005

Car Rage

Two "ladies" displaying their best manners !

Viral ad featuring the Volkswagen Polo employs suicide bomber imagery

Info on this clip:
A provocative video clip released on the Internet showing a suicide bomber behind the wheel of a Volkswagen left viewers wondering if it was a car commercial or a hoax.
The spot shows a man who appears to be of Middle Eastern descent getting into a Volkswagen Polo — a smaller version of the Golf that is sold in Europe — and driving down a street in an unidentifiable city.

The man, who is wearing a checkered scarf of the same pattern as the keffiyeh headdress late Palestinian president Yasser Arafat wore, stops in front of a restaurant and then proceeds to hit the button on the bomb detonator.

But the car contains the explosion, presumably killing only the suicide bomber. The tagline: "Polo. Small but tough."

Steve Keyes, a spokesman for Volkwagen in the U.S., said the company only became aware of the clip when contacted by a reporter. He said the ad wasn't produced by Volkwagen's U.S. operations or its ad agency.

Executives believe the video originated in the U.K. because the driver is shown on the right side of the car, but they were unable to reach colleagues there to determine whether it was a hoax or legitimate, he said.

Some Internet blogs and chat boards speculated that Volkswagen unleashed the video as a new "viral" campaign — hands-on advertising meant to be spread via word of mouth or forwarded in e-mails.

Volkswagen and its advertising agency DDB London insist they had nothing to do with a professionally made commercial making rounds on the Internet that features a suicide car-bomber whose attack is stymied when he blows himself up while his VW Polo remains intact.

However, industry analysts are raising doubts about VW's denial.

Britian's Media Guardian reported the ad's makers, a duo known as Lee and Dan, were given 40,000 British pounds, $75,000, and access to the lastest Polo model to do the shoot.

A former ad-industry practioner who now contributes to the weblog Adrants ( ) also is skeptical of Volkswagen's claim.

"No company is going to spend marketing dollars on anything just to let it sit in the closet," he said. "This was very much a planned campaign."

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Talk Show Rumble

Here's a clip from a foreign talk show that makes Jerry Springer look tame !!!!

Monday, January 24, 2005

TV Weatherman

Mark Mathis, a TV news weatherman at Fox News in Charlotte, N.C. certainly does his best to give weathermen everywhere a bad name.

I think perhaps Mark needs to go back on his medication .... seriously, could you imagine having to work with this guy ?

Patches The Horse

Robert & Herbert Thompson have a unique relationship with Patches the Horse .... and he makes a pretty good butler, too ! "There's no other horse like Patches ... Patches is ... one of a kind".

The Random Dr. Phil Quote Generator:

During these times of trouble and turmoil, nothing sedates a soul or stifles common sense quite like words of wisdom from Dr. Phil. In order to preserve his legacy and allow 24-hour a day access to the wit and wisdom of the Sage of our generation, here is The Random Dr. Phil Quote Generator. Click the button as often as you need to satisfy the "inner wuss" in you.



Virtual Bubblewrap !

More therapeutic than Dr. Phil!
(Includes a "boss button" so you won't get caught popping bubblewrap on the company's nickel ....).


The Job Title Generator:




Customized Random Insult Generator:
Tell me a little about yourself or the person you want to insult:
Level of Insult
Slightly insulting
Very insulting
under 18
36 and over

Click the button several times until you come up with a satisfying insult.







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